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Rex Pharmacy

Complaints Procedure

At Rex Pharmacy, we are proud of our high standards and our quality of service. The majority of our customers are very happy with the services that they receive from us. However, there may be rare occasions where a customer is not satisfied and may wish to complain about a service or a product.


For any complaints, please contact the Superintendent Pharmacist via telephone or email.


Name of Superintendent Pharmacist:  Mamoon Ali
Telephone: 01709 962637

We will acknowledge your complaints within 72 hours and aim to resolve the matter within 7 to 14 days of receipt. In a few cases, this timeline may be exceeded, but we will inform you of the progress throughout the period. In the majority of cases, however, the issue is resolved in a matter of days.


Complaints about NHS services are also dealt with by NHS Health Services Commissioner.


NHS England
PO Box 16738 Redditch
B97 9PT